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How to Customize your Resume for each Job Application to Increase your Chances of Landing an Interview

When you come across a job posting that truly excites you, how do you respond? Do you find yourself quickly clicking the “Apply” button, sending out your most recent resume without a second thought? Or do you pause to reflect on whether your resume is actually tailored to fit the specific job requirements?

some job seekers treat their job search like a numbers game. They apply to as many jobs as possible in the hopes that one of their applications will be successful, without accounting for whether their resume is well-suited for that position.     

There is a certain logic to this—the more companies you send your resume to, the more employers there are who can call you, right?—but taking this approach could actually be hurting your chances of finding your dream role. It doesn’t leave enough time for you to tailor your resume for each position, which is what gives you the best chance of catching a hiring manager’s eye.  

In this guide, we will walk you through the importance of customizing your resume and provide all the inside details on how to do it right.     

1.Understand the job description

Start by thoroughly reading the job description of the position you’re applying for. Identify the key responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications that the employer is looking for. Pay close attention to:  

  • Keywords and Phrases: These are terms or phrases that frequently appear in the job description. They might include specific skills, certifications, or technologies. Highlight these keywords as they are often used by ATS to filter applications.     

  • Core Competencies: Note the essential skills and experiences that are emphasized. These are typically the qualities the employer values most.          

2.Match your experience to the job requirements

Once you’ve identified the key elements of the job description, tailor your resume to reflect how your background aligns with these requirements. Here’s how to do it:     

  • Tailor Your Summary or Objective Statement: Customize your resume summary or objective statement to reflect the job title and key qualifications. This section should clearly communicate your relevant experience and how it aligns with the job.  

    If the job requires “strong project management skills,” your summary might begin with, “Results-driven project manager with over 5 years of experience leading cross-functional teams and delivering successful projects on time and within budget.”     

  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Adjust the bullet points under your job experiences to focus on accomplishments and skills that are pertinent to the job you're applying for. Quantify your achievements when possible  to demonstrate your impact.  

    For a job emphasizing “data analysis,” you might modify a bullet point to, “Utilized advanced data analysis techniques to increase sales forecasting accuracy by 20%.”     

  • Showcase Relevant Skills: Ensure that your skills section includes the key skills mentioned in the job description. If the job requires “expertise in digital marketing,” make sure your resume reflects your proficiency in this area.     

3.Optimise for ATS

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are software used by many employers to filter job applications and identify qualified candidates before they reach human reviewers. To ensure your resume passes through these systems and gets noticed:     

  • Use Keywords Strategically: Incorporate keywords from the job description throughout your resume. These keywords should appear naturally in the summary, skills, experience, and qualifications sections. For example, if the job description mentions “project management,” “team leadership,” and “budgeting,” ensure these terms are included in relevant sections of your resume.     

  • Match Job Titles and Skills: Use job titles and skill names that align closely with those mentioned in the job description. If the job requires “Senior Marketing Analyst” and you’ve held a similar position titled “Marketing Analyst Lead,” use the term “Senior Marketing Analyst” in your resume if it accurately reflects your role.     

  • Utilize Standard Formatting: ATS systems may struggle with non-standard formatting, so use a traditional resume layout. Avoid using tables, columns, or unusual fonts. Stick to simple bullet points and clear headings.     

  • Include a Skills Section: A dedicated skills section is often beneficial for ATS. List both hard skills (like software proficiency) and soft skills (like leadership) that are relevant to the job.     

  • Avoid Graphics and Images: ATS cannot read text embedded in graphics or images. Keep your resume text-based and free from visual elements that might interfere with text recognition.     

  • Use Common Job Titles and Phrases: If the job description uses specific terms or phrases, make sure to use them in your resume. For instance, if the job requires “customer relationship management,” use this exact phrase instead of “client management.”     

  • Incorporate a Skills Matrix: Some ATS systems scan for a skills matrix, which is a section that lists skills in a clear, easy-to-read format. This can help ensure that your most relevant skills are easily identified by the ATS.     

4.Adjust your resume sections as needed
Tailoring your resume means emphasizing different sections based on the job. For technical roles, highlight your technical skills, certifications, and relevant projects. For managerial positions, focus on leadership experience and strategic achievements. In creative roles, showcase your portfolio, creative projects, and any awards or recognitions.           
5.Review and revise

After tailoring your resume, review it thoroughly for accuracy and clarity. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and ensure all information is relevant to the job. Make sure your resume is easy to read, with a clean format and clear headings for quick navigation by both ATS and human reviewers.     


Yes, customizing your resume for each role can seem like a significant effort. It undoubtedly requires more time than sending out the same resume to every job listing. However, if you’re truly committed to securing that interview—and ultimately landing your dream job—tailoring your resume will make all the difference.